10 things that changed dramatically over the years

10 things that changed dramatically over the years


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A lot has happened in the development of the office and equipment over time, fortunately, for the better. Our everyday lives have become easier, and we have achieved ergonomic and technological benefits that impact our work and our health.

We have listed ten things that have had a significant upgrade.

1. The typewriter

Before we all had our computers in the office, typewriters were the main thing.

The first typewriter was invented by the Danish minister Rasmus Malling-Hansen. He created his writing ball in 1865 - a hemispherical device where the letters were placed so that the writing speed was as fast as possible. The most frequently used letters were placed so that the fastest fingers could operate them, with vowels on the left and consonants to the right.

After the writing ball, the typewriter came next. Many probably are familiar with it, but it had a flat keyboard, erase tape, and ball head.

Even though the old typewriters did what they were supposed to, we should be happy with where we are today as the old typewriters were noisy! It is understandable if office workers had headaches when they got off work, as they were subject to a loud working environment.

2. The computer

The typewriter was retired when the computer made its entry into the office in the mid-80s.

All the glory with a monitor and a hard drive filled most of the table. The monitor was deep with a black or blue background, and the graphics were essentially non-existent. Also, it was a bit tricky to carry home under your arm after work. 

3. The computer mouse

The computer mouse belonged to the computer. It was in the early 70s square with three buttons at the top. Since then, the development has been enormous. Today, one can get computer mice in many different shapes and settings for all needs. The ergonomic computer mouse prevents pain and injuries, especially for those who sit at the computer for longer.

Also read: Get rid of pain with a vertical mouse

4. The desk

Our desks have also received a significant upgrade. They have an automatic height adjustable function so that we can change position during the workday. They make you in charge of whether to stand or sit, which is ergonomically advantageous.

5. The chair  

Like the desk, the chair has become more and more ergonomically designed. Most office chairs available in the market today have several options to change position as needed. In the '60s, people sat on soft chairs that did not support the lower back, which caused soreness after long days of work.

6. The calculator

Calculators were essential in the past, as all office workers were equipped with a calculator to perform their work. Like so many other work tools, this is now integrated into our smartphones.  

7. The phone

Maybe some readers will remember the chunky phone with push buttons, and others will recall the dial phone. It is unthinkable to imagine that you should not be able to take the phone with you, look at images of your family and play games with your friends.

Also, read: You've replaced your 80's phone, haven't you?

8. The coffee

Even something as classic as coffee has been modernised. We have moved from filter coffee to a fully automatic coffee machine that can make everything from Cortado to Caffe Latte. Now, for most of us, we are done with "tar coffee".

9. The office

Over the decades, there has been a change in the way offices are built, focusing on architectural designs with lighting, large work areas, and facilities such as training rooms and roof terraces.

But also the very way we work, in sizeable office areas often with free office space, has changed over time. There has been a development when compared to, for example, the office landscape of the 90s with thick wall-to-wall carpets. Here, employees sat closely with tables stuffed with computers, calculators, telephones, and fax machines.

10. The meeting room

We have gone from physical meetings in specially designed meeting rooms to hold most of our meetings online. Now it is "almost" over being late due to long queues on the highway.


We hope that you, like us, have come to smile - and perhaps even breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the higher powers for living in the 2020s - on this journey down memory lane.

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