Sick leave is a strain on both the employee and the company

Work-related injuries or sickness cost both employees and companies a significant amount every year. Working preventively with sick leave will save on both personal and financial costs, and therefore it is important for companies to incorporate preventive measures into their general management of sick leave.

There are significant personal costs for the strained employee, both in terms of finances and well-being

Sick leave is an expenditure that the majority of companies must take seriously, as it is not limited to the immediate reduction in workforce during the absence itself: the fall in both productivity and employee satisfaction can continue far beyond the actual sick leave period. Working preventively with sick leave can reduce expenses, both in terms of the decrease in productivity and the associated temporary replacement costs, phasing-in periods, etc. throughout any period of absence.

Also read: Sick leave: Everything from prevention to pay and rights

How can sick leave be prevented?

How can sick leave be prevented?

Sick leave can be caused by many things and preventive measures will differ accordingly. Therefore, dialogue and open communication should always be among the first steps when discerning the reasons for a high rate of sick leave in your department or company.

The Workplace Assessment (WPA) will also be able to uncover focus areas that can affect sick leave. However, even if you receive a lot of different descriptions of what is causing your employees’ sick leave, improved performance throughout the workday could, everything else being equal, be able to minimise the risk of sick leave, and should therefore be incorporated into your preventive measures.

Read here how a repetitive strain injury threatened freelance designer David Carlsson’s livelihood

How can sick leave be prevented?

How can performance be improved in a department under pressure?

If your department is under pressure, e.g. as a result of too many assignments or too few resources, it can be hard to see how to improve performance.

One thing that can increase performance is using the correct tools at work, as using the incorrect tools will contribute to draining the employee’s energy – energy that should be expended on tackling assignments and not on handling work tools such as a computer mouse. It may seem strange that the small movements we make when using a mouse can often have a significant impact on how the work assignment is completed, but unfortunately it is true.

In a Nordic survey conducted by Coxit, as many as 65 per cent reported that, in their experience, ergonomic equipment had helped them to work more efficiently – a figure supported by similar surveys in other European countries.

How can sick leave be prevented?
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