Case: Jyske Bank committed to combating repetitive work
“Our employees are our most important asset,” says Sine Askov Møller, OHAS Consultant in Team Working Environment at Jyske Bank. “They should enjoy what they do and not have to deal with excessive physical or psychological strain at work. We know it’s hard to avoid stress and strain completely, which is why we’re constantly on the lookout for tips and tricks to add activity and variation to the working day. And our efforts in this regard are certainly not wasted – the employees can see that they make a difference and are quick to adopt new initiatives.
Sine Askov Møller
OHAS Consultant
Jyske Bank
Principal tools of robust quality
Sine Askov Møller explains precisely why Jyske Bank has chosen the RollerMouse solution for its employees: “Mouse and keyboard are the principal tools used by most staff at Jyske Bank, so it’s important to ensure these tools are of robust quality, simple to work with and easy to install. RollerMouse features excellent design, feels great and is a delight to use.”
Use of RollerMouse gaining ground
“Employees can order a RollerMouse setup themselves from our webshop. The agreement is: let us know if it doesn’t help! But once a member of staff has installed one, we hardly ever hear from him or her again. It’s actually more likely that we’ll receive more orders from the same department over the following weeks,” says Sine Askov Møller.
Elsine S. Møller is an IT technician employed in Jyske Bank’s security and user administration department. She has worked full-time at a keyboard throughout the nine years she has been with Jyske Bank. At her previous workplace she was often off sick on account of a mouse-related injury which caused her such pain that she couldn’t lift her right arm, but when she joined Jyske Bank she was given a centred RollerMouse to work with – and the pain never returned.

One mouse - two hands
Hands and fingers are almost constantly in motion when Elsine S. Møller is working with her RollerMouse. She uses the thumb and index finger of her right hand to control the mouse, and the fingers of her left hand to activate the mouse buttons. This ensures a more balanced work posture and takes the physical strain off her right hand and index finger. Elsine S. Møller is particularly fond of the broad wrist support on RollerMouse Red plus: “I can rest my elbows on the desk and my wrists on the wrist support, which gives me a more comfortable working position. Without it, my shoulders start hurting straight away.”
Elsine S. Møller is keen to start using several of the other RollerMouse functions, such as copy/paste: “It’s really smart but I’m finding it hard to wean myself off the keyboard shortcuts I usually use. I have a tendency to fall back into my old habits when I’m working quickly,” she explains.

Our agreement is: Let us know if it doesn’t help! But once a member of staff has installed one, we hardly ever hear from him or her again.
RollerMouse adapts automatically
In conclusion, OHAS Consultant Sine Askov Møller highlights yet another benefit of the new RollerMouse Red: Users can adjust their RollerMouse setup however they want. They can set the speed of the cursor and decide how sensitive they want the mouse to be. In addition, it is the only one of its kind that adapts automatically if you are working on multiple screens.
“We’ve just introduced two-screen solutions, where it’s crucially important that you have complete control of your cursor,” she emphasises.

About Team Working Environment
The Jyske Bank Team Working Environment is deployed in HR service and IT support. The team not only draws up the general framework for the OHAS policy, but also works specifically with employee well-being, the psychological working environment, and immediate physical working conditions. The bank is committed to combating monotonous, repetitive work, and one of its initiatives is to offer a viable alternative to the conventional keyboard/mouse setup.
That is why Team Working Environment has chosen the RollerMouse solution and the matching Balance Keyboard with a view to taking the strain off employees who spend long hours working at a computer monitor and keyboard.